
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Friday Nov 25, 2022
Week 6 Toldot, Generations the story of Jacob and Esau. Genesis 25 by Sabbath Lounge.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Is Thanksgiving Pagan?
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Wednesday Nov 23, 2022
Is Thanksgiving Pagan?
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Christians Follow Torah. Take a look at just the book of Matthew and see how many Torah commands you have been following.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Friday Nov 18, 2022
Friday Nov 18, 2022
Week 5 The Life of Sarah. Isaac finds his Bride, Hebrew Bridal Model. Genesis 23-25:18.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Thursday Nov 10, 2022
Week 4 Vayera And Appeared Genesis 18:1-22:24. Sin, Destruction, Lot gets drunk, and more!
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Election Time, Election Day in the US, Would Jesus Vote? (from 2020)
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Election Time, Election Day in the US, Would Jesus Vote?
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Take a listen as Matt and Jake are interviewed by Basil Rosewater and Christopher Ryan Gates from Ravel about the connection between Acts 2 and Mount Sinai.
Ravel is a podcast that you should check out! It was an honor to be on their show!
What is Ravel you might asK? rav·el /ˈravəl/ verb 1. untangle or unravel something.
noun 1. a tangle or cluster.
The message of the Bible is simple enough for a child to understand but complex enough to keep scholars exploring for a lifetime. Like a beautifully woven tapestry, it’s made up of many threads that come together to form a beautiful whole. Ravel is a podcast where we explore the scriptures in a new and exciting way, examining the threads to gain a brighter view of THE BIG PICTURE. Ravel dives into the deep waters of society, scripture and scandal, seeking to bring new perspectives on ancient issues and explore the broad range of the Christian experience and it's many forms. Join Basil and Christopher as they (un)ravel these threads and discover what may have been left out on Sunday morning!
Check out Sabbath Lounge as we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Friday Nov 04, 2022
Weekly Torah Portion, Vayera Week 3 Genesis 12:1-17:27
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Weekly Torah Portion, Vayera Week 3 Genesis 12:1-17:27
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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