
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Sunday Mar 13, 2022
Our Interview with David Wilber author of Remember the Sabbath, What the New Testament says about Sabbath Observance for Christians. If you are new to Torah or if you have been here for years this is for you. Mr. Wilber has done a fantastic job of citing all the sources and laying the groundwork of how the New Testament writers kept a seventh-day sabbath. Remember the Sabbath cites many other historical documents that testify to this as well. If you are looking for a book that puts it all together look no further than David Wilber’s, Remember the Sabbath.
For more information see: www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean. At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below: www.sabbathlounge.com

Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Week 24 Torah Portion, Vayiqra, called from Leviticus 1-5:26, the Sacrifices to Burn up your thoughts, heart, will and emotions.
Torah Portions - Sabbath Lounge
Sabbath Lounge introduces a new series on the Torah Portions. We will go through each week and hit a few highlights and things to consider.
For more information see: www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean. At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below: www.sabbathlounge.com

Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Torah Portions, Week 23, Pekudei, Accounts, Exodus 38:21 – 40:38 Tabernacle complete, The Tabernacle is us. Our Bodies are a temporary dwelling, covered in flesh, housing the Holy of Holie's.
Torah Portions - Sabbath Lounge
Slide Show
Sabbath Lounge introduces a new series on the Torah Portions. We will go through each week and hit a few highlights and things to consider.
For more information see: www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean. At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below: www.sabbathlounge.com

Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Week 22 Torah Portions, VayAkhel, He Assembled, Hands of people bringing Gold to create the Tabernacle. Four Chambers of the heart, Four Chambers of the Tabernacle We should put as much work into our hearts as they did the Tabernacle Casting away our own adornments, preparing your heart to be host to the Lord.
Torah Portions - Sabbath Lounge
Slide Show
Sabbath Lounge introduces a new series on the Torah Portions. We will go through each week and hit a few highlights and things to consider.
For more information see: www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean. At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below: www.sabbathlounge.com

Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Week 21 Torah Portion, When you Take ki Tisa, Exodus 31:11-33:11. The Golden Calf, The Curse of the Bitter Waters, and Christmas celebrations.
Slide Show
Torah Portions - Sabbath Lounge
Sabbath Lounge introduces a new series on the Torah Portions. We will go through each week and hit a few highlights and things to consider.
For more information see: www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean. At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below: www.sabbathlounge.com

Friday Feb 11, 2022
Friday Feb 11, 2022
Week 20 Torah Portions, Tetzaveh You Shall COMMANDS, Exodus 27:20 - 30:11, Keep the fire lit in your Temple at all times. It’s our job.
Torah Portions - Sabbath Lounge
Sabbath Lounge introduces a new series on the Torah Portions. We will go through each week and hit a few highlights and things to consider.
For more information see: www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean. At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below: www.sabbathlounge.com

Friday Feb 04, 2022
Friday Feb 04, 2022
Week 19, Torah Portions Exodus 25-27:19, Terumah Heave Offerings. The Ark is like our heart. He wants us to be built from the inside out. Out of the heart the mouth speaks.
Torah Portions - Sabbath Lounge
Sabbath Lounge introduces a new series on the Torah Portions. We will go through each week and hit a few highlights and things to consider.
For more information see: www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean. At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below: www.sabbathlounge.com

Friday Jan 28, 2022
Friday Jan 28, 2022
Week 18 Torah Portion, Mishpatiym, Judgement, from Exodus 21-24:8, Wedding Language, Pierce My Ear, Blessings and Curses, Eye for and Eye and more!
Sabbath Lounge introduces a new series on the Torah Portions. We will go through each week and hit a few highlights and things to consider.
For more information see: www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean. At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below: www.sabbathlounge.com