
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Can We Be Honest? Episode 8!
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Saturday Jun 13, 2020
Check out our latest edition of Can We Be Honest?
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Saturday Jun 06, 2020
How does the Bible Connect Leprosy to Sin
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Saturday Jun 06, 2020
Have you ever wondered why the Bible speaks so much about Leprosy? Matt and Jake explore the connection between the sin in our own lives and the separation that causes between us and our Father. As well as how Leprosy caused separating ones' self from society.
In this podcast, we examine the relationship between Leprosy and sin.
This is also on YouTube.
Matt and Jake discuss sin and Leprosy. Find more information below: Link to file

Saturday May 16, 2020
Yeshua is the Bread of Life (also in YouTube)
Saturday May 16, 2020
Saturday May 16, 2020
Yeshua is the bread of life!
Find more information below:
https://www.facebook.com/sabbathlounge/ https://twitter.com/SabbathLounge

Friday May 08, 2020
Current Events Episode 3
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Matt and Jake discuss the current events of May of 2020.
Find more information below:

Saturday May 02, 2020
Can We Be Honest? Episode 7!
Saturday May 02, 2020
Saturday May 02, 2020
The latest edition of Can We Be Honest? Jake's thoughts on the world at large.
Find more information below:

Friday Apr 24, 2020
The Oil That Lights The Fire
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
On this edition of the Sabbath Lounge, Jake and Matt discuss the Hebrew words for Gold, Oil, and the Mercy Seat. They tie it all to together to the relationship to Yeshua and what should be happening in our hearts.
Find more information below:

Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Current Events Episode 2
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
Tuesday Apr 14, 2020
We discuss world events as they relate to Passover and "bugging out"
Find more information below:

Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Ken Johnson
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Wednesday Apr 08, 2020
Find out what Ken Johnson says about Hebrew Roots.
“Hebrew roots may turn into we are better jews than you(s) so we are going to kill you” Ken Johnson
Transcript Below
0:00alright alright alright welcome to00:02another edition of Shabbat lounge and00:04today Jake and I are coming to you hello00:08Jake00:08hello Matt so I'm glad to see that00:11you've been surviving these perilous00:14times that we're living in it's00:16dangerous out there yes it is you can00:18proper precautions that's right that's00:20right so we appreciate you staying safe00:23and you know by listening to us on audio00:26you're safe from that from these terms00:29and if we're sick you can't get them00:31that's a good news yeah that's that's00:34one of the good things about the00:35Internet is now we can keep in contact00:39without the dangers that's right that's00:43right00:44well we always appreciate you tuning in00:47and listening to our show thank you for00:49all the 5-star ratings and iTunes and we00:52just ask that you continue to to feed00:54this to other people and especially to00:58your Facebook friends because Sabbath01:01lounge is in facebook and that's a great01:05place to share us and we really01:08appreciate that yeah it's uh what do you01:12got with YouTube and do you do the01:16Twitter the Twitter mmm the in tick-tock01:21but I've only made one a couple of01:24things in there and I kind of gotten01:26over that real fast so but it's still01:28there so and Spotify right a lot of01:33these kids today they're in Spotify I01:35listen to Spotify I might often myself01:37but01:38so we're there in iTunes if you look you01:42can find us that's right if you google01:44Sabbath lounge we'll be there when you01:47call yeah so you brought this up to me01:52and you showed me this video01:54why don't you kind of start off telling01:57us like what we're getting into01:58yeah so Ken Johnson is somebody that you02:02may have heard of and we definitely have02:05used him he translated a bunch of the02:08Dead Sea books like Enoch and Jasser and02:12we've looked at those and use02:13those and read those and he has some02:15some some pretty cheap copies of those02:19books that you can order and have and so02:23hey you know he he's somebody that I02:27guess I've never really heard talk until02:30recently and you know I just knew I knew02:32that he didn't share the same beliefs02:34that we do but hey you know it's one02:36thing to know that and then to hear him02:39talk so I used to listen to prophecy02:42Watchers a lot with Gary Stearman kind02:45of when I was waking up to Torah and02:46it's it's ironic if you go watch this02:49video02:49behind Gary you will see a menorah and02:52what else a shofar yeah those were all02:56proudly displayed behind him and it's02:58kind of like that's weird you know that03:00he seems kind of trying to make this03:03connection but it seems so far off yeah03:06but but Ken Johnson it's definitely not03:08a fan of the Hebrew roots and in what we03:11do and he has some interesting things03:14and I also go03:15I don't think Ken knows anybody that03:17does Hebrew roots I don't think he knows03:19one person from the video that they put03:24out and didn't know wouldn't seem like03:25it yes so like I think he's talking03:27about somebody and something that he has03:30no idea what he's talking about and so03:32Ken if you ever listen to this Hey03:34reach out to us we'd be happy to talk to03:36you yeah anytime about this and and put03:39a face you know well to an ideology03:43maybe yeah I don't know if we put my03:45face on anything nobody wants to see03:47that but because I've definitely got the03:49face made for radio but so here we are03:52on radio and but yeah I would love to03:56talk to Ken about those things and and03:58explain to him maybe a little bit more04:02about who we are cuz clearly he's got04:04some misconceptions yeah about who we04:06are what we do and that's what we're04:07gonna kind of take a look at right yeah04:09so let's start right here and so in and04:12so in this video if you do go watch it04:15at some point Ken Johnson talks about04:17acts 15 and says we don't have to keep04:20Jewish law at six minutes and eight04:23seconds he says this04:26yeah so everyone likes to use x-15 as a04:32as a this these are the rules we follow04:37now as acts 15 and so in verse 10 there04:46it says now therefore why tempt to you04:48Elohim to put a yoke upon the neck of04:51the disciples which neither our fathers04:53nor we were able to bear so what do you04:55think he's talking about the yoke of the04:57disciples there so the yoke that they're05:02trying to put on okay so standard05:06understanding of this right right your05:08your Christian theology is gonna tell05:10you that this is Torah right here he's05:12talking about but the context tells us05:15that he's talking about salvation05:19through keeping Torah rotten so and I05:26also believe he definitely and then in05:28Matthew but these two scriptures are05:29tied together Matthew 11:28 through 3005:31come to me all ye who are tired from05:34carrying heavy loads and that will give05:36you rest place my yoke over your05:37shoulders and learn from me because I am05:40gentle and humble then you will find05:42rest for yourselves because my yoke is05:44easy and my burden is light05:45and he is definitely comparing his05:49commandments which were not new they05:53were the same ones that he'd said before05:56yeah since he was the word the Word made05:59flesh and he is saying that these men06:06these Pharisees came along and put06:09unrealistic burdens upon people and tie06:14and he says that over and over that he06:16tied these hid the men were tying these06:19heavy burdens on each other and they06:21themselves are new than willing to lift06:22a finger to help them lift them right06:25and he's saying my my yoke is not like06:27that right but there is a yoke yes yes06:31we like to think that well Messiah06:34brings freedom he does mm-hmm it's with06:39this idea of06:40freedom to write that's kind of how we06:44look at it we look at it with some06:46Western mindset our freedom to do06:48something instead of a freedom from06:49something mm-hmm well I think we kind of06:51look at it like the the old flag with06:54the snake don't tread on me how dare you06:57tell me I can and can't do anything07:00right and and yeah definitely there was07:04something else that come and came to07:06mind but I'll think about it later so so07:09he started making this comparison07:11between those who are messianic and07:13those are Hebrew roots and so he has07:16some quotes here and he talks about how07:18down the Jewish side that are the07:21Messianic side and he said something07:23along the lines if Messianics are great07:25Hebrew roots were causing them lots of07:28problems right he said he has friends07:30that are Messianics and Messianics are07:32great mm-hmm so his darn Hebrew because07:35he broods guys yeah messing it up for07:38everybody and you know and then he's07:41talking about the Hebrew roots people07:42and he says we're Gentiles that somehow07:47think that they are to follow the law07:50everyone follows the the law everyone07:53should be kosher or be executed what so07:57that's the stance he is assigning to08:01Hebrew roots folks that somehow the08:05thought is the ideology is well you need08:09to keep kosher oh you're gonna be08:12executed now I don't know if he's read08:15through Torah but the clean and unclean08:18laws the punishment for that was not08:20execution hmm there were there were laws08:24where the with capital punishment shaven08:28unclean food laws was not one of them no08:30no definitely not so and I'm also like I08:34don't know anybody that's that has a08:37YouTube channel that has a website that08:41any kind of fault nobody that I've ever08:44listened to I'm yeah I'm sure there's08:46somebody out there there's all kinds of08:47people out there that say crazy stuff08:50so yeah there may be somebody out there08:51but nobody we know yeah08:53comes out ever and talks about how we08:55should kill people because they don't08:57follow Torah right I've never heard that08:59or no no that was really stretching it09:02and so that was a bizarre don't get it09:06he also said that Messianics teach09:08Gentiles are not to follow Mosaic law09:11and you know that that may be may be09:15true right there there the stances that09:19Noahide laws right mm-hmm and that the09:23Gentiles09:24you know once again he's talking about09:25Hebrew roots calling them Gentiles and09:28that that says Gentiles who think we09:31should follow Mosaic law Gentiles are09:33forbidden to do such things that was a09:35direct quote from him saying that we are09:37not there's a Gentile you are not even09:40allowed to follow mosaic rule right he09:44said you're not allowed to do certain09:46things in his example was the it was09:51rules for the priests right not anyone09:54could be a priest right so that was his09:56kind of his justification mm-hmm for for09:59how about it Gentiles weren't a lot so10:01you couldn't be a Gentile and be a10:04priest well you can you couldn't be a10:09Jew and be a priest either mm-hmm right10:12yeah yeah cuz the Jew is who Jew is who10:17ya from Judah right yeah mm-hmm10:20tribe about one specific tribe so right10:22and so I also go and I would say to Ken10:25Johnson if you're listening to this10:27which which I know he is that you that10:32you don't know maybe you need to10:37research that of what truly is a Jew and10:40who that is you know and I know that a10:42lot of people say you know district10:44tribute people who follow Torah and call10:50them Jews but but but we have learned10:54differently you know that is one10:56specific tribe right that you're10:58referring to any time you say that and11:00there's another quote here that I11:02thought was really interesting Gary11:03Stearman quoted scripture that11:06talks about the heart of man is to keep11:07the law about 12 minutes in until we11:11have that as we saw yeah okay we'll come11:12back to that one in a minute so Oh11:15and so then Gary Stearman does say you11:18talk about Jewish holidays dot dot right11:22and then if you're following out can we11:24be honest series yes to me can we be11:26honest the Jews were one of twelve11:28tribes no one in Christianity seems to11:32remember this now as a Christian growing11:35up I knew this and they set it all the11:39time I didn't - so it's strange to me11:43that guess you're smarter than me I will11:48no comment I can I can neither confirm11:50nor deny no so yeah there's it's funny11:55because you you you spend time in11:59certain circles and you know there's12:02things you hear all the time then you12:04talk to someone else and they're like no12:05I've never heard that before and it kind12:08of blows your mind like oh because you12:10think it's common knowledge well that12:13happens a lot with stuff that you pick12:15up on and it's like I'd never heard out12:18so it's it's pretty common well growing12:21up I always thought Jews were Jewish12:24people who you know I didn't even really12:27know what it meant but it's like the12:29people in the Bible you know they were12:31juice I'll juice I love every one of12:33them yeah so that's all I knew I didn't12:35know that it was I didn't know the12:38history of how it you know went from the12:42tribe of Judah to Yehuda or Yahoo's and12:46ended up giving short shortened to - Jew12:50mm-hmm yeah so this was always kind of12:53tricky for me because it seemed like12:55when I started coming into Torah I don't12:57know if you ran into this but it was12:59like all the things that the people I13:02kind of grew up with in Christianity13:04I like bring up some of this Torah stuff13:09that aligned with Christian thinking13:11like well we're where the Israelites13:15right now we're claiming to be Israelite13:17and the13:19all of a sudden they were like it was13:22they were gaslighting me like this no13:25what are you talking about yeah okay13:28song I'm thinking boys a movie oh but13:34point being that somehow they just13:37forgot all about the fact that this is13:40what we grew up learning and this is13:43what they were teaching me you know as13:45oh yeah there were 12 tribes and oh yeah13:48we're Israelites it's like and all of a13:52sudden you bring up Torah and they they13:53forget those things because you have to13:57because if you accept that now you have14:00to start changing the way you're14:01thinking about certain things yeah no I14:05tried to find the song but I couldn't Oh14:09shucks you slow so and also King Johnson14:14said the book of Acts says you are to be14:18circumcised or die and then he talks14:20again circumcise or die yeah and then he14:25talked about how the Gentiles who think14:27we should follow Mosaic law yeah he kind14:32of ties those things together14:33it's he's he's saying that the same14:38people in the book of Acts that are14:40saying be circumcised or die are the14:43same as these Hebrew roots Gentiles14:45saying that we should follow the Mosaic14:48law and we'll have a quote here later14:50that kind of shows you where he's kind14:53of tying these things together pretty14:56incredible and then Ken Johnson says14:59Gentiles quote unquote Gentiles can eat15:02anything as long as they don't eat it15:05with the blood from Genesis 9 and then15:08our question is can we be honest Noah15:11was he a Gentile uh he was a dude right15:16there were a lot of Jews in his day yes15:20uh-huh15:21false there were he was he's free range15:27for all that yes yes and yet he knew15:29clean and15:31and then it's ironic too that the guy15:34who helps and helps bring you know and I15:39will back up just a second so I'm not15:41trying to be critical of Ken Johnson I15:43greatly appreciate his work I greatly15:45appreciate that he's gleaned information15:49from the Dead Sea Scrolls and kind of15:52brought it to life and put it in modern15:53English and put it in people's hands and15:56you know he definitely I feel like has15:58been used by the father to to do that16:02and in those translations that he's done16:04it have definitely benefited me16:06benefited me but in some of the stuff he16:09did like the book of Jasher clearly16:12shows that abraham was not what you16:17would ever call a quote-unquote Jew like16:20I said it's before that even happened16:22and he was clearly the son of an idol16:25maker clearly what you would classify as16:29Gentile he was called out of that16:31lifestyle and called to be different in16:35a young age and he crossed over and that16:40that is much more of a theme than being16:43a bloodline deal because he was not16:44bloodline right yes yeah Hebrews caught16:48one who crossed over right now I don't16:52know how many people understand the16:53Genesis 9 thing because this was a kind16:56of a big one that that new people came16:59to get tangled up in you know much about17:03that that verse that he's pointing to17:06there he was talking about Noah when he17:07got off the ark and he made this17:09sacrifice and that's that's about what I17:12remember about it yeah so Yahweh says17:15now you can eat all things all creatures17:18are good to you something similar to17:21them and then he says but they forget17:25this part just as I've given you every17:28green herb to eat now can you eat every17:31green herb or do some kill you some kill17:34you I'm just ask Chris McCandles who17:38died in Alaska and a bus and he would17:42tell you if he can talk because if17:44not alive and you don't ask him that's17:46necromancy yes this is bad we don't17:48recommend that please don't do that but17:52he clearly ate the wrong berry he's no17:55longer with us17:56yeah so I'm not running around eating17:59poison ivy mm-hmm18:00call me crazy I don't know what you guys18:02do in Texas but MPA we don't play that18:05game but yeah so there there is a18:09stipulation given to that all all18:14animals no no that's a that's a good18:17good observation about it too and18:19clearly there was a distinction made18:23between clean and so so it's like so you18:25want me to believe that18:27there was this extra work and effort put18:30into the animals on the ark of cleaning18:33unclean and then all of a sudden the18:35flood is gone everything's dried up and18:37like gone yeah that whole clean and18:39unclean that we made you load up on the18:41ark head that would that's all right and18:44then you bring it back later I mean yeah18:46you have to look at it in the context of18:48worries right now and what Noah already18:51knows like this was one of the things18:54that I would bring up early on is so18:57there's it's it's this whole idea of a19:01schizophrenic Elohim right it's well19:04there's clean and unclean laws then19:06there's no one clean and unclean then19:08there's clean and unclean again and now19:10no clean and unclean again in this let's19:12give it the bunny ears quote-unquote19:15dispensation in this dispensation and19:17then hey bunnies are unclean yes true19:21we'll give them living bunny ears and19:22not eat them but then in the Millennium19:26right it's back again somehow19:28no it's is it yes or no or who can keep19:32track of all the mind changes of this19:35never changing yeah he so can if you're19:38listening I challenge you to consider19:40those things about you know why did19:43clean it and clean what was it such a19:46deal on the ark because the other19:47question is did they come two by two on19:49the ark right everyone says yes yes yes19:52I love this one everyone play along at19:54home19:57and indulge me Matt if you will oh I20:00love to indulge it yeah I live to do20:02that exactly how many of each animal did20:06Moses take on the ark Moses see you're20:11supposed to play along but yes I'm sorry20:13most people do not catch staff and his20:18Ten Commandments yeah so obviously20:22people will say to write and then you'll20:25say well no it was Noah that took the20:27ark and then you can correct them with20:29the number as well it's just kind of20:32funny okay yeah I always tell people but20:34y'all nice people my people go straight20:37to two-by-two right but no I do20:39appreciate you bringing up the fact that20:41this isn't like a put-down session on20:45Ken this is yeah this is you know we're20:48trying to air out some some20:51misunderstandings here and hopefully you20:55know that comes across properly yeah20:58yeah yeah yeah and then Ken Johnson also21:02says Hebrew roots may turn into we're21:05better Jews then you I don't know why I21:09say use there but so we are going to21:12kill you oh oh this use gotcha okay21:16right now so this is remember a couple21:20slides ago we said that this would come21:22back yeah so I do you know anyone in21:26Hebrew root saying well even on the21:28verge of saying if you will better Jews21:32than you so we're gonna kill you no I21:35don't know anybody that's ever said that21:37so and if they have you know they are21:40some whacked-out person who is a cult21:43leader and probably is doing lots of21:45really weird stuff yeah but that is21:48definitely not a mainstream no no and21:51and and definitely just like anything21:55that you look at there are they're crazy21:57weird outliers and anything that you22:00look at but in the bell curve yeah yeah22:03yeah so but there is zero of that and in22:07this theology we're not attempting to be22:09Jews22:10Christianity has very little grasp of22:13who Ephraim is and so you know we're not22:17trying to and we don't want to be what22:21what okay and I say when I say Jews I'm22:23using Jews in the sense of who Gary22:26Stearman and Ken Johnson defined as Jews22:30as being people who follow man-made22:33Torah and follow kebab Kabbalistic22:37teachings helmet right yeah all these22:40writings that were done and put more22:43weight sometimes on that writing and22:45tradition than they do scripture itself22:47we want no part of that and we that22:50that's the same as going to you know a22:54like a Catholic Church and bowing down22:57and kissing the ring of the Pope it's22:59the same same deal right oh yeah so the23:05that and I didn't have much grasp of23:09Ephraim Ephraim is monumentally23:12important and I heard none of that in in23:17terms of growing up none of them and so23:20you and especially the the prodigal son23:26story I had never put two and two23:29together that identifying that as Judah23:32and and Ephraim mm-hmm well we are23:35always I was always taught that was the23:39Gentiles oh you know yeah like the23:41Gentile that and then the houses were23:44getting reconciled but that's yeah but23:45that wasn't right it is what you just23:48said Ephraim and the two sticks becoming23:51one right a same kind of concept so if23:53you're if you're slim on your Ephraim23:55understanding look into effort you need23:58to crack that book open and research it24:00so because it will help open your mind24:03and to to that understanding ken johnson24:07also says Paul says for no reason to24:12allow ourselves to be circumcised and I24:14believe that he there was some scripture24:18is calling us out of Galatians yes24:21there was a t-shirts oh yeah yeah24:24Galatians and I think this was 1324:26minutes in he said don't allow yourself24:29to be circumcised and then but but at24:32the same token when you research this a24:34little bit you do find that Paul24:36circumcised Timothy a Greek right well24:41and here24:43apparently Paul said for no reason but24:46there's a reason for him to do that to24:50Timothy right yeah yeah so there there24:54are certain reasons to do it24:55yes mm-hmm and we could probably have a24:58hole actually I think when we did if you25:03look back at our collation study we25:04discussed a circumcision quite a bit and25:08I believe we may have even used the term25:11bag of foreskins or something that well25:14we did but that's what they were doing25:16can we be honest they were that's just25:20so gross so you want to think about it25:22so I had to bring it up again Ken25:24Johnson as a Roman can he said okay so25:28Ken Johnson is quoted as saying as his25:31Roman converts it Roman converts yes25:36let's go Ezra thank you is Roman25:39converse it would be illegal to keep the25:42Feast a tabernacle so saying that25:44everyone that is converted from you know25:47Roman thinking it would be illegal for25:51us to keep Feast of Tabernacles and so I25:53ask you to refer to Ezra 44 Zechariah 1425:57Isaiah 66 23 from what information will26:0144 oh yes I'm gonna say yes I think I26:07actually in my mind I may have combined26:08Ezra in Ezekiel and set called them26:11Azariah or something yes find that 1/226:16inches so Ezra 44 yes thank you for the26:20clarification is a major minor prophet26:23yes yes so and once again you know I do26:26want to say we don't claim to be experts26:29we don't claim to know everything there26:31is to know and we're26:33a quest for truth hey I think I've heard26:36that somewhere before26:36mmm that was a long time ago Rob Skiba26:40if you he used to do a thing called26:42quest for truth oh I was thinking that26:45was a Monty Python saying no no no those26:48are the coconuts you hear over there but26:52anyway we are in a quest a quest for26:55truth too you know on our own trying to26:58figure these things out and so right but27:01but it does now I I'll throw this in27:06recently I've been having a discussion27:08with someone where I've been accused of27:12have dismissing or throwing out27:15scriptures in order to prop up my stance27:19right but in order to say something like27:23kena's implying here he's not implying27:27it he's directly saying it you have to27:29throw out scriptures like Ezekiel 44 in27:32Zechariah 14 in Isaiah 66 where clearly27:36it's a new covenant time period where27:41all flesh comes performing to keep27:43Sabbath's and new moons all flesh comes27:45before me for a feast of tabernacles27:47that's not broken down and did you and27:50Gentile no no I mean you have to ignore27:53that to make this claim mm-hmm yeah no27:57let's go and then Ken Johnson also talks28:01about at the end of each age and the28:04Gentiles who think that we should follow28:07Mosaic law yes sir to me this was a this28:12is kind of a I hate to use the word28:15trigger but I don't know if we can even28:17say that but but so whenever I feel28:22triggered right so if you're triggered28:25by the word triggered problems yeah so28:29whatever what and anyone's saying at the28:32end of each age what does that make you28:35think of dispensationalism yeah exactly28:40me too so this to me is a red flag28:41already yeah ding ding ding ding and if28:44you don't know what that is28:44you should probably gonna let that up28:46then learn what that is yeah 11928:49ministries has a good good teaching on28:51dispensationalism yeah yeah definitely28:54and then Deuteronomy 14 21 it's the28:58scripture where they talk about feeding29:00the dead animal to a stranger and when29:03we went and licked that up in Hebrew the29:05word is how do you say that girl looks29:10like to me ger a temporary inhabitant29:14not someone grafted in so you know there29:17are different words in Hebrew you know29:19for instance not long a few weeks ago we29:22looked at the bond servant - who was a29:25part of a like your family and did what29:29you did and at the end of their in29:32indenture indentured servitude they29:35could make a decision at the point when29:37you had to release them because it was29:39in law it was in Torah to release them29:42you know they could make a decision and29:43be pierced and and be your servant that29:47person is somebody that is becomes like29:51a family member and they're not a not an29:55alien or stranger they're they're part29:57of the family and so this word here is29:59definitely different this is a temporary30:02inhabitant as somebody that wasn't30:04grafted in but he went on and on about30:05this one point for quite a while yeah30:08this was so we take the alien and30:12Sojourner and time into this stranger30:15concept the stranger is someone that's30:17just hanging out for a while and they're30:18not hanging around forever they're not30:21trying to be proud of you they're coming30:23through town and this I will say though30:28that this verse always perplexed me why30:30were able to do that ya know it's like30:34it comes across as a different standard30:37right but it's it's someone who's30:40rejected being grafted in with you yeah30:45I think it probably is when you read30:48Paul and he talks about the weaker30:50brother30:53you know there's some of that language30:55that might even be connected to this you30:59know their conscience you know they're31:01not there and so it's not a deal to them31:04yeah and I wonder how much of it to is31:06is not why wanting to watch his creation31:11go to waste31:12also yeah yeah yeah that could be it too31:14so definitely something to ponder we're31:17not saying we have that one figured out31:19and so I thought this was so interesting31:21and as he talked as he said this I was31:25like what what did you just say Gary31:27Stearman and he has this quote about how31:29he said and he fit he seems very sincere31:34at this point and also say I like Gary31:36Stearman he's watched him before I ain't31:39never seen it before but nefeli comes31:40across very Cindy seems very genuine I31:43don't doubt that he's a great guy I31:44don't doubt either one of these are31:45great people and and do good things and31:49so but he said it was the heart of man31:52to keep the law twelve minutes in and31:56and he talked about how he felt with32:00some of his congregants when he would32:01preach that and I was like why yeah of32:06course I mean yeah you were testifying32:09to this very thing that you are trying32:12to attack yes it is in us to do these32:15things right that's the whole concept of32:18the new covenant mm-hmm and if you and32:20if you just to me if you just think32:22about it in an opposite way you know so32:24okay so what's the opposite of this it32:29would be the thing that is on the other32:32side of the discussion yeah you know you32:36know a so if you're not keeping law you32:41are keeping lawlessness yeah and so we32:44know we know that that's not a good32:47thing exactly he also puts in this32:50concept of it's it the heart of man to32:52keep the moral law mm-hmm all right so32:55fine find that in your scripture32:58somewhere mm-hmm ken johnson says33:01galatians is about quote don't let33:04yourselves be circumcised33:06sir you're a debtor to the whole law33:08then Paul circumcised Timothy causing33:11him to be a debtor to the whole law why33:14would he do that to someone that Paul33:16he's a character33:17when in Rome right do as the Romans do33:21yeah so on this one now it does say that33:29in there don't let yourself be33:31circumcised or you're a debtor to the33:33whole law mm-hmm but that's not what33:36Galatians is about Galatians was about33:40well what we talked about last time33:42right it was Paul is combating an33:45argument of salvation through the law33:48yeah and that's why it's important to33:51bring up things like if you think the33:55law is gonna save you and you get33:58circumcised to prove it now you got to34:00keep the whole law because your intent34:02is salvation because I'm circumcised34:06when that's not that's not Torah and34:09that's not what Paul preached yeah yeah34:12let's go34:14ken Johnson said I also said Jews should34:19say state Jews and Gentiles state34:21Gentiles you guys quit mixing it up here34:23it's making it too confusing and then34:26you read Ephesians 2:12 Galatians 2:1534:30and you see these terms by Baal who talk34:34about how we all are one in Yeshua right34:40neither Jew nor Greek right slave or34:44free may on their female yes now that34:47doesn't mean what the spirit of the age34:50is talking about it means we all know34:53what a Georgia knee but yes that whole34:58concept when he is saying just a Jews35:00and Gentiles state Gentiles where where35:02do you come up with that where who says35:04that now I think what he's trying to go35:08with is where it says if you're35:12circumcised stay circumcised let the35:15uncircumcised you know if you came in35:17uncircumcised35:19stay uncircumcised35:20now we know that there's more to that35:24because of Ezekiel 44 talking about the35:28new age the new temple no one can come35:31in who's not circumcised the flesh and35:33hurt so so you got to go into the into35:37detail of what he's Paul saying when he35:39says that but it's not saying what ken35:42was telling him is no and I really think35:44on that circumcision concept that's35:46something you really got you gotta go35:47all the way back to the beginning and35:49look and see like we know we talked35:52about it in Galatians but about how35:55Jacob and Esau were different and they35:58both had a circumcision of the flesh you36:01know I don't see the reason to think36:04that they didn't and but they are two36:08very different because one had a36:10circumcised heart the other didn't and36:13one was blessed and the other one was36:16not and so I mean he does does have a36:20blessing on him but it's but there's36:23definitely a clear difference in there36:25is this concept of having a circumcised36:27heart is is something right right36:33because then Timothy would have not36:36stayed a Gentile then right by that by36:40that law oh and then we get into about36:4315 minutes into that video starts36:44talking about holidays which is always a36:46hot button and one that we have to deal36:49with and for instance you know I just36:52requested Passover and feast of36:58unleavened bread off at work and you37:01know it's causing me a little grief37:03because this is our busiest time of year37:05and you know they they weren't too happy37:10about it and they're saying things like37:11well we're just so we're not gonna pay37:14you for your time and the and then I37:17explained it I was like you know this is37:18a religious holiday for me right and37:20then they you know they cater to that oh37:24so oh we don't want to be sued so I'm37:29like okay well so and that kind of37:32changed the argue37:33a little bit you know when they when I37:36explained it to him that way but but the37:38holiday thing you know definitely and he37:42gave this this concept of in Ezra that37:46there was null affection and he said37:48that you don't throw it away you just37:51nullify it it's like if I could if I was37:53good at editing I would take sections of37:57that video and have him saying nullified38:00nullified over and over and over or38:01something you know yeah make a make a38:03gif or a jiff what do you say gif or Jif38:06I don't like to be put on the spot like38:09that but I say gif because the G in38:15American says good the G in American38:19right we're how do you spell American38:22with the G am G I'm Rickon okay all38:27right thank you for clearing that right38:29up for everyone we do give spelling38:33lessons on the side so if you need help38:35with that just go just a sample yeah38:38just call one eight hundred seven longe38:40and we'll get you hooked up on that I38:42did call when I had my own John and I38:47can't remember38:48and somebody did answer it and I was38:51like oh who are you what do you have my38:53phone number anyway maybe one day we'll38:59call that live on some on our broadcasts39:02and that's thank you and have a39:03conversation okay maybe we should do39:05that sounds like a great idea yeah so39:07anyway what were you gonna say anyway so39:09yeah this concept is gonna come up again39:11later and they'll be more points to39:13bring up on the don't throw it away just39:14nullify it thing and he's saying that39:18this is a Jewish concept and he's all39:20about it so but yeah I think there's39:26there's better example lay down and look39:31at Ephesians 2:12 and Galatians 2:15 for39:34more information so and then I put the39:37definition of nullified then it to make39:41legally null and void invalidate and39:45then you know Ken Johnson said if39:47Holliday has paganism it needs nullified39:51not done away with I'm like huh yeah why39:57nullify according to this definition40:01says to make null and void and validate40:04it's almost like it means done away with40:08very similar I think if if we're going40:14to say we want to nullify abortion which40:17we we would like to do that I think most40:20people would understand that that means40:22what do away with yes oh like Matthew40:29five and you didn't come to to nullify40:33the law or void null and void void the40:37law he came to fill fulfill it yeah so40:43he didn't come to do away with the law40:45so if we go to the judge and they40:48nullify our ticket was that mean I think40:52they've done away with it I think so too40:55but the point here I can never in my40:58wildest imagining hey if a holiday has41:03paganism don't do away with it41:07violet I know I was gonna nullify it41:11I'll which does mean do away with I41:14don't it's a weird situation is kind of41:18a a concept yeah like just like41:21dispensationalism doesn't mean time41:24period but that's how it to use right41:26mm-hmm so um the whole yeah you it's all41:34throughout scripture don't do what the41:36pagan heathens are doing so I don't know41:39how yeah you have to twist Scripture so41:43much to get into to to try to balance41:50out the the scales when you're bringing41:52stuff up like this yeah agreed41:55so then he gets touches the cult subject41:58and so and you know as soon as he said42:00the word cult42:01like wait wait what did you just say42:03cult we're going here are we okay we're42:06going here alright can let you know and42:09then when he went on this to me I you42:15know this is a part of it where I start42:17to you know to get maybe a little angry42:19at him and you know and up until this42:21point you know I'm like yeah you know42:24he's a guy he he's just like us he42:27doesn't have it all figured out but when42:28you start going down this road that's42:30that's a different tone that's a42:33different attitude and I'm like wow and42:36he said his quote was a cult cult42:38according to Church Fathers42:40ding-ding-ding-ding alert red flag42:43Church Fathers first off I don't even42:46know who you know is he referring to42:49mmm-hmm as anyone who denies the42:52divinity of Messiah or Trinity and show42:57me in Hebrew show me in the Greek where43:01you know the concept of the Trinity is43:05found and so that mean that that is43:08something you've got a research and43:09figure out and I will be the first to43:11say that is a complicated subject and my43:15belief on the Trinity is that we have43:19some words to kind of hang on something43:21that is so complex that our human feeble43:24little human brain can't understand43:26because it is such a wild concept and he43:31gave us some words in some ways to try43:33to try to put a frame around it to help43:35us understand what it is and one day43:37we're gonna truly find out what all that43:40all that meant and we're gonna go oh43:42that's how that works43:43right and we'll act like we knew it all43:45along oh yeah I knew it was something43:47like that43:48yeah and will be this evening and I43:50think I think there are a lot of people43:51that do admit that but but well my point43:54in all this is we all should use43:57scripture over these Church Fathers44:00anytime somebody starts bringing up the44:02Church Fathers I it does not sit well44:05with me and this I knew who are those44:07guys who cares what they said just like44:10me you shouldn't care what I say or what44:12Jake says what44:14the texts say that's what matters yeah44:16and I think very early on in my walk44:20here this before I even knew this Torah44:26thing existed I this was kind of one of44:31the first questions that kind of I took44:34a serious look at the Trinity and what44:37what Christianity professed about it and44:41that kind of got me down the road of of44:46asking more and more questions but and44:50this question right here of what a cult44:54is and it being defined as denying the44:57divinity of Messiah right never once do45:02you see someone especially Yeshua when45:07people are asking them what do I need to45:09do to be saved when they come to Paul45:11and say what's the deal what do I got to45:14do never once do they say you have to45:16believe this yeah45:18now in order in order to be in good45:20standing so when the church likes not45:24like it's a test45:25oh so you you want to follow me to45:28explain to me how am i you know how can45:34I be the the son the father yeah I mean45:38you don't see any conversation like45:40there's no lift must estimate no yeah we45:48have all people and you had plenty of45:50opportunity to bring it up yeah and they45:52never do and it comes down to this this45:56note you put here about I went online45:59and I actually googled this where this46:01came from and so the first offense that46:04the doctorate of Trinity was in the46:06early third century by the early church46:08father how do you say his name46:10Tertullian he explicitly defined the46:13treaty as Father Son and Holy Spirit and46:15definitive theology against Firaxis46:17though he noted the majority of the46:20believers in his day found found the46:22issue with his doctrine so that's where46:24it comes from it comes from that one46:26particular person is kind46:27yeah you know can consider the father of46:31that if you will46:32yeah Tertullian it kind of sounds like a46:35type of pasta maybe maybe maybe to46:39tortellini46:40maybe this okay it makes me think of the46:44bread and sauce we talked about at some46:46point hmm we need to stop doing this one46:49we're hungry and I guess so and then you46:52know his definition of a cult is anyone46:56who claims a belief that theology is46:59opposite and you know that one I was47:03like okay so maybe you know are you47:07saying that Paul himself was was part of47:11this because Paul himself says I do what47:15I don't want to do and so I'm like do47:21you really mean what you're saying there47:23because don't we all have beliefs that47:28we don't act on and sometimes do the47:30opposite and things we know to be true47:33and sometimes you know we know we're not47:35supposed to we know we're supposed to47:37follow the laws of man and we're know47:39we're not it's probably supposed to47:40speed but just sometimes do you go 70 8047:4390 miles an hour47:46yep probably you probably do I do so and47:51Matt can be found at no I'm so I think48:00maybe another way to look at this is48:03that perhaps he's he's trying to say48:07that you claim that you're a Christian48:11see and this is very confusing to me I'm48:14not exactly sure where he's trying to go48:16assist because they in the video he he48:19brings up the example of it's like a48:21Christian claiming to be it's like48:24someone claiming to be a Christian but48:26then doing the opposite things a48:29Christian would do and sure but that48:33doesn't make it a cult you know and he48:38brings up like a Hindu or48:41doing the same thing yeah if you're48:43claiming to be a Muslim but you do the48:45opposite of what a Muslim would do48:47that's not what it called it yeah so I48:49can remember back in back in the day48:52when I was a kid and I was in school and48:55I think I was working on a college48:58degree and which I did obtain and I49:01thank you thank you yeah it's actually49:04right there and that that's you you see49:06it but but I can remember being in some49:09class and we were talking about cults49:12for some reason and I can remember the49:15definition and isn't passed out some49:17kool-aid49:17yes they did they and I said I'd pass on49:21the blue kool-aid but the but the49:25definition of a cult was probably it so49:27a sociology class and it might have been49:29a class in which we dealt with social49:31problems that we saw in society and this49:35was about the time of David Koresh and49:38because I'm old and but but I can49:41remember in that class the definition49:43they gave me of a cult was it's49:47something that has a very strong a must49:50dictator like leader that is charismatic49:54and you know gets people to believe in49:58this this thing and rallies I'm around50:01but the but there's a central figure50:03that is the that that's part of the cult50:07thing and you know that doesn't that's50:10not happening in Hebrew roots there's50:11not like one central person there are50:14same the leader of yeah mm-hmm it's50:17Yeshua yeah no right and there are50:20definitely some people that follow50:21different things but but yeah I don't50:25know any one person that's claiming to50:27be the be-all end-all and you have to be50:30like them and look like them and I think50:31of David Koresh and yeah he was a cult50:34leader absolutely and so so can I do50:38take offense when you tried to say that50:41what we're doing is a part of a cult50:45so you serve that this is incorrect and50:47and I would be I would love to have the50:50discussion with you and explain to you50:53what we do50:55it looks like and how it is nothing like50:59a cult and so I mean if you have watched51:02this Ken Johnson and you're kind of on51:04the fence about you know this movement51:07and what we're doing just know that that51:09is that is incorrect this is nothing51:11nothing like any of that right and then51:18he talks about replacement and you know51:23in replacement theology and in the51:26Hebrew roots they did you know now I51:29can't remember oh so his point on this51:32and it was kind of confusing to me could51:37because it's not what you typically hear51:39he's saying that replacement theology in51:44terms of Hebrew roots is that that the51:49Hebrew roots people are trying to51:52replace the Jews you want real Jews51:55right and it's us that are the chosen51:59people now growing up my understanding52:02of replacement theology was while the52:05church replaces it replaces Israel52:08essentially so that's to me that's a52:12Christian ideology is this replacement52:14yeah it's enough of Christianity yeah to52:17me it is definitely so when I heard him52:19bring this up pointing it at Hebrew52:22roots it didn't make much sense to me52:25mmm-hmm yeah because he said that Hebrew52:28roots denied user Jews claim Paul is52:32apostate claim no new covenant52:34replacement theology and you know yes52:39I've heard some people be very very52:41harsh on Paul and and make those claims52:44but but but that doesn't mean that every52:48person that is in Hebrew roots thinks52:51that about Paul I think Paul with it52:53that's a mainstream yeah yeah that is52:56very much a minority opinion and and52:59most of us go Paul is was very smart and53:03he understood this Torah at a level that53:08I think53:08that yeshua wants us all to be ad yeah53:11but step one is you have to know the53:14Torah and Paul knew it yeah it's you53:17can't know what Paul wrote until you53:20read what he's read exactly you could53:22put that it's gonna be on our next shirt53:23right there that's right mm-hmm I mean53:26say why for in the Sabbath Island shop53:28yes also would have to be coming up soon53:31if that'd be coming soon yes No yeah53:36early on I was seeing people that were53:39like if you look at the black Hebrew53:43Israelites hmm they're kind of in this53:45deny the Jews arduous situation and and53:49I started calling around on the53:52fellowship finders and I I'd hear people53:57say well you know we we don't even think54:00the New Testaments valid anymore and54:02they would take Paul right and we'll54:05take Paul out of it so I was hearing54:08these things ruin people that were now I54:10won't say they were Hebrew roots because54:12I didn't ask them and they were confused54:15yeah but so early on and even now I54:21don't necessarily tie myself to Hebrews54:23but of the people that I know that do54:27right it's they're not saying this stuff54:30yeah no hmm so so I don't know yeah well54:37then how do you say that word right54:39there54:40suppression ISM supersessionism that's54:44it yes yeah replacement theology is a54:47Christian doctrine ding-ding-ding just54:49what you said it's a Christian doctrine54:51which asserts that the New Covenant54:53through Jesus Christ Sir Percy54:55supersedes the Old Covenant which made54:58excuses54:58exclusively for the Jewish people in55:01Christian I say it supersessionism55:06humanity supersessionism yeah is a55:08theology view on the current status of55:12the church in relation to Jewish people55:13in Judaism it holds the Christian Church55:15has succeeded the Israelites is the55:18definitive people of God so it's exactly55:21what you were saying55:22that that it is confusing because that I55:26just went and googled replacement55:29theology and I'm pretty sure that came55:31up and brought maybe the Wikipedia page55:33is pretty easy to find that I'm like55:35well what are you talking about cuz55:37seems the opposite of what you just said55:39can ya please define that can and then55:43Gary Stearman goes on to talk about law55:45vs. grace and a paradigm shift is needed55:49right so my my idea is that there's a55:57paradigm shift needed Gary Stevens idea56:01is and there's always this we have to be56:06there has to be this conflict between56:09law and grace56:10it's either law or its grace so you can56:13can be both right and the paradigm shift56:16is we need to come away from this law56:18versus grace it's how do they work56:21together56:22yeah because otherwise you're lawless56:27right Hebrews says that you don't want56:31to insult the spirit of grace right Paul56:35says all the time shall we continue in56:38sin that grace may abound that's56:40insulting the spirit of grace by the way56:42he says by no means right so do not56:45continue transgressing the law just56:48because you have grace if you're doing56:50that you're insulting the spirit of56:52grace and Hebrews a very harsh about the56:56people doing that and it's it's that in57:00the it's in the context of the person57:04who falls away from the faith57:08hashtag once saved always saved right oh57:10my gosh don't even get me started on57:13that I remember I've heard that57:15conversation recently where people are57:17like one side always say I'm just like57:20well I can't even can't even go into57:23this but but this law verse is a grace57:27thing - it's like you you don't know57:29what happened at Mount Sinai do you you57:33forgot the57:35there was this calf and the people made57:38it literally while Moses is that they're57:42getting probably at the very moment when57:45they when the commandment is read about57:49not making and having any other God57:52before him57:53that's about the minute this probably57:55went down yeah and and the father comes58:00down on the mountain is like Moses look58:02at those people your people down there58:05and he was ready to wipe him out and58:08because Moses who represents a type and58:11shadow of Yeshua himself steps in and58:14goes hey wait a minute wait a minute58:15this this I get it you're right you58:19could destroy them all and repopulate58:21this whole thing and start over with me58:23yes yes it could be done but you know58:26that's grace that's that's that's the58:29that's exactly and people forget that58:32they just think everything in the Old58:34Testament is nothing but law yeah and58:37harsh and you know I talked to I like58:41that by the way that's a good it's law58:43and grace happening at the same exact58:45time yeah that's a good point but yeah I58:48just talked to someone today about how58:52we were talking about New Covenant58:55because I've been having a discussion59:00with someone else about it and currently59:02I'm a little misunderstood on my59:04standing on that but that's off topic59:07but the point being I brought up well so59:14the Old Covenant is is likened to law59:18it's you know tied together with the law59:21and the New Covenant is tied together59:22with grace right it's this age of grace59:26right so I said well wasn't there59:33grace before and this person didn't know59:38about grace and mercy in the Old59:42Testament it's all over the daily now59:44that existed yeah59:46yeah so it's everywhere it's not a New59:50Testament concept it's a reminding59:54people there is grace and mercy mm-hmm59:57no and it's a physical playing out of60:02that grace and mercy no no for sure60:06Gary's sermon also taught okay so we're60:09gonna go back to the holiday thing and60:11at some point Gary sermon says if it's a60:14secular holiday it's perfectly fine60:16right there's no rule against secular60:19holiday and my thing is who says that60:22who says right I60:26I know scripture doesn't say that yes60:29no there isn't there there's never60:33grounds to be secular right it's you're60:36never okay now you can be doing secular60:40things right it's not it's not a thing60:44let's do a mean it's okay for your kids60:46to watch the Disney that's what the60:51going rate is apparently yeah they're60:54all about family it's family right it's60:57just a secular family thing yes and61:00there was a time when I used to think61:01that about Disney and had no clue and61:04then when my eyes were opened I was like61:06oh my gosh yeah definitely so if you've61:11never looked into that look into that61:13and then so he goes in and he talks more61:17about he talked about the pan61:20Babylonians everything was pagan and61:23they talked about the Nullification and61:26then he talked about how at some point61:29in here at the conversation about 195961:32it so it's about the nineteen minute61:34mark in that video where you start to61:36see this and he talked about the61:39Christmas tree and how it wasn't it's61:42not the Asscher pole so those those of61:45you that have read Jeremiah where it61:47says they cut down the tree and off61:50dawned you know thought it was silly61:53yeah61:54they dust on his some doth word in there61:57yeah and any61:59like that Christmas tree that's not that62:03because that was a living shrine yeah so62:09and and when you cut down the tree it's62:13no longer living62:14it can't be an Asscher a tree and then62:18my question is this why do you water the62:22tree when you cut it and put it in your62:24house and so I'm like so I would tell62:28you Ken Johnson I used to be a science62:30teacher and so Ken please explain to me62:32I mean I understand kind of what you're62:34trying to say but do this little62:36experiment at home mr. Johnson is take a62:40piece of celery and put it in a glass of62:44kool-aid and you know see what happens62:48with the xylem and phylum that are in62:50the celery in you talent you know yes it62:54technically is not alive anymore but62:56somehow it transports material so it's63:00veins somehow it continues to live yes63:03yes just like this Christmas tree63:05somehow soaks up the water into its63:09system so you know it isn't a stage of63:14life still yes still I mean sure it's63:19struggling for gasping for water63:22apparently then yeah you can you can see63:25it's still taking in nourishment mm-hmm63:28and then that quote there - that made me63:32chuckle - there's nothing pagan to it63:35I'm like well maybe your definition of63:38pagan is different than my definition of63:40pagan I don't know pretty pagan quite63:44pain you show me in scripture where it63:46says hey you guys you know what this is63:50how you know and now that Yeshua is no63:54longer with us63:54this is how we're gonna celebrate him is63:57we're gonna go cut a tree down and bring64:00it in our house and put some lights on64:01it and we're gonna say this is him hmm64:05there's no scripture that even remotely64:08talks about it except for Jeremiah and64:11it clearly says64:12don't cut tree and do something with it64:15and so I'm gonna lean to Jeremiah on64:18this and go there's something there that64:20I'm not supposed to do yeah and even if64:22you don't even if you don't see Jeremiah64:25that way it says don't worship me you64:29know the way that the heathens worship64:31their gods mm-hmm and clearly we can64:35look in history this is a way that the64:37heathens would worship their gods64:39clearly it's not the way64:40Yeshua worshiped it's not the way Paul64:43worship mm-hmm Paul says walk as I walk64:46as I walk as Messiah walks right I says64:49walk as I walk none of them will walk in64:51over to the old Christmas tree no no64:55they weren't and they certainly weren't64:56bowing down to it getting their presence64:58and once again it's not an idol but65:01people do bow down to it put their head65:04down low as they reach down to get the65:07presence tell me that's not bowing so65:11and then you know he went on to talk65:16about at some point they even there was65:20a monk who used a Christmas tree put it65:22upside down to teach the Trinity barely65:27birth Martin Luther was quoted at some65:28point saying there's nothing pagan with65:30it you know church father said it65:36no it must must be true so what it said65:39so shall it be done yes yes I think65:42that's the way it goes right that's the65:44quote that's how they say in65:45Pennsylvania anyway yeah mm-hmm but but65:50definitely research if you've never65:51researched the Christmas tree and pagan65:54traditions you should do that because65:57you know that did raise a lot of65:59questions for me because I I always knew66:03that issue wasn't born on December 25th66:06and and in Natalie they even say this in66:09that video you know and yes correct66:12but there is no scripture that you can66:16convince me that the traditions and the66:21things that we do at Christmas are66:22things that are commanded66:24and that we're supposed to do now I66:27there now I know there's like warnings66:33and stuff that Yeshua and Paul give its66:38although with Old Testament but but just66:41to be on the same page with someone who66:43would be talking about this is there66:46somewhere where it might say that66:52holding to the traditions of men or66:54something not that is a good thing not a66:57good thing it's always right was a bad67:00thing and clearly if nothing else on its67:06face you'd have to say this is a67:07tradition of man for sure yeah at the67:10very that's your low bar mm-hmm and that67:14is an argument I've had with people67:16before where I've said show me in67:18scripture where I'm supposed to worship67:19baby Jesus in the manger and always you67:22know everything goes back to tell the67:24good nights in my life and wait no what67:27and in that moment of dear baby Jesus67:31six pound 8 ounces laying there in the67:34manger you know unfortunately that movie67:39in that section did strike such a chord67:42about how people want to think about67:44Jesus you know he's a little baby he's67:46cute he's harmless she can kind of67:48cuddle him in your arms and that's67:51that's where they want to keep him at67:52you know they want to keep him right67:54there that's easy until that's part of67:56the you know what happens at Christmas67:58is there that's the part of him they68:01want to remember they don't like to talk68:03about the part of him when he's riding68:05the white horse and the blood comes up68:07to its bridle that they don't know that68:10guy yeah literally68:12right so and they're gonna be surprised68:15when they see him and the other thing I68:18think you've gotta research is go back68:20and look at that Golden Calf story and68:21that's what really did it for me is when68:23I started looking at that story and68:25realized that people build this calf you68:28know first they go to Aaron and they're68:29like Aaron no Buster's calf and then and68:32then there's so many questions I have68:34about that story where I'm like Aaron68:37where68:38seems like a pretty stand-up guy and68:40he's like okay that people would do this68:43I'm like what happened are you afraid68:46they're we're gonna kill you then maybe68:48he was I don't know68:50well to hear his side he just threw the68:52goals in and hops you just pop right out68:54but when the people are like we did this68:57in honor of you you know that's exactly69:00what they say and you know it goes into69:03that argument of what people say about69:05Christmas is it's not how it's it's how69:09I make it that's what it means69:11yeah yeah I think yeah we lose focus on69:17lose track of the fact that it doesn't69:19matter how we look at it it's how does69:21he look at it and I got an experiment69:23for you Jake to try this and so you're a69:26married man69:27and you definitely have loved other69:28loved ones in your in your life but you69:31know the wife is this important thing69:33and sometimes this man you know we69:35definitely don't want to be like our oh69:38excuse me our grandfathers and fathers69:41that we're like woman I told you I love69:44you 35 years ago and I'll let you know69:47if that changes so you know I don't know69:50anyone i don't recommend taking that69:55approach in case you know it's probably69:58not gonna go well but you know the70:01little experiment that you can do to see70:04if does it matter what your intent is70:07versus what the card is you know there70:09was a time in my life when I get so70:11annoyed and let go it certain holidays I70:14used to celebrate who I don't celebrate70:16anymore and all these people are70:18standing looking at these gift cards and70:19they're just reading them and picking70:21them up and then it's taken forever for70:23these people to make a decision and if70:26you haven't noticed sometimes I can be a70:28pretty decisive clear and cut and to the70:30point person and I remember thinking it70:33was a lot of fun I have the kids up with70:35me and like my kids watch this and I70:37just close my eyes I'd go right up to70:39the card rack and just be like yep70:43that's what that's what mom gets I just70:46close my eyes and pick it out and if it70:47says happy birthday son70:50mom this guy didn't wanna stand there70:53forever it became kind of a fun thing70:57but I got lots of laughs out of it but I71:01can tell you that you know when I give71:03that to my wife and and I take a sharpie71:06and go um scratch that out wife yeah and71:11give that to her you know it just it's71:12not quite the same same and so so I71:16don't really get to take something that71:19is pagan and mark it up and change it71:22and and then give it to them and go this71:26is what I mean yes he doesn't have to71:28accept what you're offering yeah yeah71:31yeah and in my wife and no way you know71:34thought it was funny my kids thought it71:36was funny and I like telling that story71:38but but yeah she was not amused and I71:42didn't earn points with her but I mean71:45that's just that's just what I did71:48gasps so anyway it is kind of a fun71:54thing to try as a social experiment okay71:56we'll see if that happens71:58yeah Andy Andy really shows in him since72:01you said how well it turned out yes yes72:03and you really show them who's boss when72:06you do that the people standing around72:08trying to figure out what card to get72:10they don't even notice72:11yeah I bet in my mind it seems like this72:14great thing and they're just like oh he72:18rules it there he's in charge yes I'm a72:23legend in my own mind Jake yes so it's a72:29small place so and I theta peers this is72:33our last of my slide won't go anymore so72:37was there anything I'm looking back at72:40my notes and you know this video is72:43about 25 minutes and72:48so anyway well yeah we noticed some72:52issues that were brought up and some72:54falsehoods being spread about Hebrew72:56roots and so we wanted to kind of72:59address it and once again I do reach out73:02to Gary Stearman in Ken Johnson and I73:04would love to have them talk to us about73:08these things and I am by no means I'm73:10trying to spread hate I'm not trying to73:13spread rumors I'm not trying to spread73:16gossip I would love to have face-to-face73:19conversation with them about who we are73:21what we do and I think they're all73:24confused about these things and yeah and73:26so anyway I think that's it yeah and I73:31think I think we covered it all right73:34well once again we appreciate you taking73:36time to listen to Shabbat lounge or73:38Sabbath lounge and you can google us you73:41can find us on Facebook you can find us73:43on Spotify you can find this the73:48youtubes73:49no no we've got a blog and a website and73:56we always appreciate comments you know73:59that lets us know that you can fog up a74:01mirror and that you're a real person and74:03that you listened and you care and we74:06appreciate that and hope that this could74:10be useful and if you know Gary Stearman74:12and if you know Ken Johnson share it74:15with them yep so if you're following74:18send it send it to them yep yep so we'd74:21appreciate that74:22open up that doorway that dialogue would74:25be happy to to do that and so once again74:28thank you for listening to ShabbatUp next
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