
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
A Sabbath Lounge Interview with John Sliffe of Enduring Word Museum. Check out his site and invite him bring his demonstration to your group.
The Enduring Word teaches the history of the Bible through historical artifacts from the Holy Land, Middle East, Asia Minor, and Europe spanning 5000 years, all to affirm the Truth and Veracity of the Bible.
By owning an Authentic Johann Gutenberg Bible page and using the fully functional printing press, the Enduring Word Museum is often invited to schools, both public and private, to speak about the importance of Johan Gutenberg in the Reformation Age. This, along with the history of written communication, are topics of interest for public school's lectures when covering these eras during the school year.
For more information see https://theenduringword.org/
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.

Saturday Nov 18, 2023
Saturday Nov 18, 2023
Is Jerusalem surrounded? A Discussion of Biblical Prophecy with Steve Moutria of Torah Family.org.
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Friday Nov 03, 2023
A Sabbath Lounge Interview with TikTok Creator Wilwaukee.
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Friday Nov 03, 2023
Learn more about our friend Will and his online Presence over at Wilwaukee in YouTube, follow him there. Please join the 45,000 others that follow him in TikTok. Enjoy another Sabbath Lounge Interview with Wilwaukee!
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Saturday Oct 28, 2023
A Sabbath Lounge Interview with Digital Pastor Jim.
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Saturday Oct 28, 2023
Learn more about our friend Jim and his ministry in Colorado. You can find his content in Tik Tok. Look for a website to be coming soon. Enjoy another Sabbath Lounge Interview with Digital Pastor Jim.
For more information see www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Sunday Sep 24, 2023
Sabbath Lounge Interviews John Adolfi of The Lost World Museum. Use as a creationism resource.
The Lost World Museum is a creationist museum, located in Phoenix, New York, in the United States. The museum was established by John Adolfi
For more information see www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Music courtesy of a paid Canva Account.

Friday Sep 22, 2023
Friday Sep 22, 2023
Torah Portions by Sabbath Lounge, Week 54 Vetzot Ha’Bracha (The Blessing). Torah made easy!
For more information see www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Torah Portions by Sabbath Lounge, Ha’azinu (Give Ear), Week 53, Deuteronomy 32, The Song of Moses.
For more information see www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Friday Sep 08, 2023
Friday Sep 08, 2023
Torah Portions by Sabbath Lounge, Double Portion Week 51 and 52 Deuteronomy 29:10-31:30, Nitzavim, You are Standing, and Vayelech, And He Went.
For more information see www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below: