
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Torah Portions by Sabbath Lounge, Week 50-Ki Tavo, When You Come, Deuteronomy 26-29:9.
For more information see www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Torah Portions by Sabbath Lounge, Week 49-KiTetze When You Go, Deuteronomy 21:10-25-17.
For more information see www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below:

Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Torah Portions by Sabbath Lounge, Week 48-Shofetiym (Judges). Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17.
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below:

Friday Aug 11, 2023
Friday Aug 11, 2023
Portions by Sabbath Lounge, Week 47-Re'eh, Behold. Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17.
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below:

Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Music through a paid Canva Subscription.
Torah Portions by Sabbath Lounge, Week 46-Ekev, Because. Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25.
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below:

Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Torah Portions by Sabbath Lounge, Week 45-Va'etchanan, And I Besought- Deuteronomy 3:27-7-11.
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below:

Friday Jul 21, 2023
Friday Jul 21, 2023
Torah Portions by Sabbath Lounge, Week 44-Devarim- The Words- Deuteronomy 1-3:22.
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below:

Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Sabbath Lounge interviews the TikTok Creator of Leaving Churchianity.
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Saturday Jul 15, 2023
Sabbath Lounge interviews the TikTok Creator of Leaving Churchianity . Look for his soon to be published Podcast and YouTube!
Google Leaving Churchianity for more great content!
For more information see www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below:
Music in intro from a paid Canva Account.