
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
Saturday Jul 08, 2023
Sabbath Lounge Interviews Karyn Dunavant about her new book Why We Eat by Debarim Publishing.
From a young age, Karyn has been involved in and fascinated by the preparation of food. She grew up in a fundamentalist non-denominational Christian assembly, in which she heard a lot of scripture read...and misapplied. In both cases, what was taught lacked the substantial nature of integrity that she was made to long for. Learning to cook involved a number of commercially prepared food products, and the Christian teaching offered a packaged lifestyle that satisfied just about as little. As an adult, released from this particular sect, she tested out doctrines of other forms, both for church and for food. At the age of 30, The Word introduced Himself. As her Nourisher, Teacher, Deliverer, Protector. As He detangled religion from truth, she received a full, integral faith, not limited to parts of her being. Through the discipline of learning to perceive The Word in everyday experiences, she realized that He was more than a book--He was The Bread and Living Word that carried the integrity worth trusting, and the wholeness that she'd been pursuing through physics health and fitness...yet missing.
Karyn is a wife (of 14 years) to Drew, and mother of 5. They have received from Abba an 1880 farmhouse (which they are slowly restoring) in Richmond, VA, on 5 agricultural acres—in the middle of a small-lot residential subdivision! Their desire to pursue integrity by The Word together has been tried and blessed, on repeat. Their desire is to work hard, live simply, and render hospitality and all Good Things Abba places into their hands—willingly, at all times. Karyn's pregnancy and childbirth experiences have deepened her faith in YHVH as her One Care Provider, Protector and Deliverer. She longs for all mothers to experience the shalom of receiving this personal and perfect care that can only be enjoyed by a true and integral faith, and that The Bride of Yeshua would receive her inheritance of integral well-being by remaining under a single Authority. Delivered and forgiven of idolatry, she enjoys receiving strength through fitness, and learning better ways to cultivate and prepare Good Things for her family.
See her link for more info.http://www.thisisagoodthing.one
For more information see www.sabbathlounge.com
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At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Pinchas, the Righteous Spear Chunker! Numbers 25:10-30:1
Google Sabbath Lounge for more!

Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Week 39 -40 Chukat (Statute). Numbers 19:1-22:1. This week's Torah Portion is a double portion.
For more information see www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Friday Jun 30, 2023
Friday Jun 30, 2023
Week 40 Balak, A prophet for profit, Ballam, Balak, a talking Donkey. How to destroy a nation from within.
Ballam, talking Donkey and a prophet for profit.
Numbers 21:2-25:9
Jasher 64 and 67
Joshua 24
Micah 6
Numbers 31
Deuteronomy 23
Nehemiah 13
Jude 1
Revelation 2
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
The Rebellion of Korah Week 38 Numbers 16-18. What happens when you question Yah’s leadership? Korah rebellion. The Almond staff buds and the true righteous branch is revealed.
Sabbath Lounge has a teaching in the Almond Branch that you should check out.
Google Sabbath Lounge for more! https://linktr.ee/Sabbathlounge

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Matt’s Torah Testimony with Fiery Faith Ministries
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Tuesday Jun 20, 2023
Listen as Matt shares his Torah Testimony on Fiery Faith Ministries.
From Fiery Faith Ministries. "Torah Testimony Tuesday is a space where individuals who feel called can share their specific journey to Tora obedience. We each have a story that is meant to be shared to inspire the lost sheep and remove scales from eyes! This week Testimony is being shared by Matt C. from Sabbath Lounge."
If you would like to share your testimony contact shalom@fireyfaithministries.com
Subscribe to https://www.fieryfaithministries.com

Friday Jun 16, 2023
Week 37 Shelach (Send You). Numbers 13-15. This week’s Torah Portion.
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Week 37 Shelach (Send You).
Numbers 13-15. This week's Torah Portion. For more information see www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
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Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Week 36 Beha 'Alotcha (When you Set Up).
Numbers 8:1-12:16. This week's Torah Portion. For more information see www.sabbathlounge.com
Find us on iTunes, Spotify, TikTok, and Podbean.
At Sabbath Lounge we are dedicated to eating clean, keeping the Feast, Sabbath, following Torah, and leading as many people out of Babylon as possible.
Find more information below: